Collection: September 2023: The Toadstools

In September 2023, subscribers met the Toadstools.

The red-capped Toadstools are manifested by lightning. They bubble from the ground after a storm, forming rings that entice passersby. Their scent is irresistible to small creatures such as Moths and Fireflies, who are attracted, intoxicated, and often poisoned by the Toadstools’ aromatic flesh.
Even humans may be lured into the circle by the earthy smell of petrichor, stirred and released by a rainstorm. Only after crossing the threshold does the wanderer sense a change in the air. Those who enter the ring do not always leave. Those who do, speak afterwards, haltingly, of unexpected encounters: strangers with blossoming hair; teapots full of mice; paths made of water and paved with fishes.

The Toadstools Box includes an abundance of beautiful objects; hints and additions to expand the story; a mysterious document; and a lore card.
September 2023:  The Toadstools