Collection: October 2022: The Silent Village

In October 2022, subscribers encountered the Silent Village.

The darkness is growing.  Once it clouded only the uninhabited, northernmost parts of the map.  Now it seeps into a remote farming village.

This is not the darkness of thunderstorms or nightfall. It is opaque and muffling: a slurry of shadows. The Scarred Crow has seen something like it before, in another world. But no one knows why it is here.

As it approaches, many creatures move south. The Trees remain, witnessing the pooling fog.

The darkness overtakes the village.  Its people are interrupted in their tasks. They are engulfed and then disappear. They do not know how to stave off the creeping murk; and it does not occur to them to ask the Trees for help.

October 2022: The Silent Village