Collection: January 2023: The Wolves

In January 2023, subscribers met the Wolves.

The Wolves are fluent in long-distance languages of scent, smoke, and howls. They run quickly, in formation, impervious to falling temperatures and snow. The young ones view smaller, slower creatures with amused sympathy, asking “Is it cold out?” while bounding past. Their long routes form a network of checkpoints and caches. Every pathway is a logbook.

They write their stories in ash. A tower of smoke can broadcast a message; a plume of soot-based ink can show what lies beyond the horizon. When the Wolves burn a bit of wood, they can parse the resin-laced smoke
and name the origin Tree.

The Wolves Box includes an abundance of beautiful objects; hints and additions to expand the story; a mysterious document; and a lore card.  

January 2023:  The Wolves