Collection: March 2024: The Eclipse

In March 2024, subscribers explored the Eclipse.

Many in Birdmoss believe that the arrival of the Eclipse is heralded by the chaos of wings, as an immense Owl throws evening’s shadow over the land. As the light begins to change, Bats emerge and swoop through the sky. Spiders begin to dismantle their webs. Trios of mushrooms bubble up from the earth.

Among the villagers, the brave and the curious rush outside with a variety of perforated devices. Sieves, baskets, and flower-frogs are all pressed into service as pinhole projectors. Held over the smooth pathways, they cast images of the circular Sun. Children marvel as the projected Suns becomes Moon-shaped, waning to thin crescents. Or is the Sun a round loaf, devoured by birds?

On this day, history expands. Every journal fattens with eagerly scrawled notes and sketches.

The Eclipse Box includes an abundance of beautiful objects; hints and additions to expand the story; a mysterious document; and a lore card.  

March 2024:  The Eclipse