Collection: March 2023: The Meadow

In March 2023, Birdmoss Box subscribers met the Meadow.

At the end of winter, as the accumulated snowfall melts away, the Meadow emerges flattened and gray. Chill gusts of wind have swept the colors out of the broken grass and fallen stalks.

However, as spring creeps into Birdmoss, the Meadow begins to brighten. The coughing rattle of last year’s seed pods is muffled by new sprouting growth. Rabbits anticipate dense patches of clover.

The Foxes survey the first green shoots as they emerge; they forecast the appearance of blossoms. The new blooms will be beautiful but transient. The Fire-Tender chooses an auspicious night and plans a ceremonial bonfire. Built upon dead kindling, it will call forth the wildflowers and their corresponding spirits. To the Foxes, the year is a series of windows that open and close; each day is impermanent.

March 2023:  The Meadow